Stone CNC router carving marble attention

Stone CNC router carving marble attention

    Marble, we all know that is divided into artificial marble and natural marble. It used to be processed into various forms, plates for the building of walls, floor, table, column, also commonly used in monuments such as the monument, tower, statues and other materials. Most high-grade marble used in the place, you can also carved into the arts and crafts, stationery, lamps, utensils and other practical works of art. Can be described as versatile ah.
Although very popular with people like marble, but also in the sculpture before a certain problem to note. Stone carving marble engraving machine in time to pay attention to the selection of marble.
A stone with the naked eye the surface structure. Uniform fine structure of the stone material with a delicate texture, the stone of high quality goods; ranging from coarse grain structure of the stone and its appearance is poor. In addition, the role of the geological impact of stone which often have some minor cracks in stone along these areas most likely to rupture, should pay attention to these areas using removed. As for the lack of impact is the angular appearance, a choice must be in great attention.
  Second, must a good amount of stone sizes, so as not to affect splicing, or cause splicing patterns, patterns, lines, deformation, thus affecting the overall decorative effect.
  Third, by hand or gently tap the stone surface of the other things. In general, good quality stone clear and melodious sound of their percussion; the contrary, if the stone house there is a slight crack or indirect result of weathering result thixotropic loose particles, then the percussion sound gruff.
  Fourth, the color of ink or other material applied to the marble surface of the water, this is the easiest test method. We usually drop the stone on the back of the ink on a small grain, such as leaching of ink quickly disperse, the particles inside that stone is loose or there is no gap, the conclusion is: poor quality stone; the other hand, if the ink droplets in stagnant, then Stone texture good mini CNC router.
   Fifth, the most important thing we all know there are some radioactive stone, we are sure to look for when buying stone dealers have radioactive certificate to the dealer to ask for. Do not buy without permits.